
Lip Depigmentation with Laser

  Oral Mucosa is normally pink, although the color varies depending on location, function and underlying structures. Lips are an important part of our smiles; the shape and color are crucial elements of the lip's beauty. The color of the lips normally varies from person to person depending on factors such as melanin production, skin color, vascularity, and dryness (dehydration) of the lips. Among these, the major factor contributing to the color of lips is melanin.  Lip hyperpigmentation  does not pose any medical problem, but usually considered unaesthetic and can affect the patient’s social activities and self-confidence and patients are seeking solutions. Etiology - The most common cause is physiologic i.e. hyper-melanin pigmentation. After ruling out any malignant changes, the Laser is used electively for removing pigmentation from the lips. Treatment modality - Many techniques have been used for the treatment of lip depigmentation. Melanin pigmentation normally exists in the e

Are Laser Dental Procedures Better Than Traditional Treatments?

Dental laser   is the use of lasers to treat a number of different dental conditions. It became commercially used in clinical dental practice for procedures involving tooth tissue in 1989. Dental laser potentially offers a more comfortable treatment option for a number of dental procedures involving hard or soft tissue compared to drills and other non-laser tools. Lasers can make  dental treatments  more efficient, cost effective, and comfortable. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved dental laser as a treatment option for several dental conditions. The type of surgery that can be performed with a dental laser depends on the wavelength and power of the dental laser. Pioon dental laser can perform the following dental laser procedures. Including: Teeth whitening. Treating cold sores. Treating a “gummy smile.” Treating obstructive sleep apnea. Treating tongue frenulum attachment. Viewing tissues. Nerve regeneration.  Crown lengthening . Removing benign tumors. Removing soft

PLDD-Let your intervertebral disc no longer “protrude”

  Patients with   intervertebral  disc herniation are mostly between 30 and 50 years old, and there are more men than women. The most common site is the lumbar spine, followed by the cervical spine (because these two sites are the sites with greater spine mobility). Lumbar disc herniation is a frequently-occurring and common disease in clinical practice, and it is the most common cause of low back and leg pain. The disease mostly occurs in young adults, and part of it occurs in the elderly. The patient suffers a lot. In severe cases, it can cause paraplegia, which can have a great impact on the life, work and labor of the patient. The cause of lumbar disc herniation is more complicated. At present, it is generally believed that the herniated disc is mainly caused by corresponding damage on the basis of degeneration. Internal cause: The intervertebral disc tissue bears the weight of the human body's trunk and upper limbs, and is more likely to be strained than other tissues in daily

Is there a future for intravenous ablation devices?

  Varicose veins   refer to varicose veins and dilation caused by blood stasis, weak wall of venous canal and other factors. Varicose veins can occur in many parts of the body. For example, ulcer is actually a varicose vein. Clinically, esophageal and gastric floor varicose veins, varicocele and abdominal wall varicose veins can be seen clinically. The most common part of varicose veins is in the lower limbs. Varicose veins are tortuous, enlarged veins that typically occur in the lower extremities.  Endovenous laser ablation therapy ( EVLT ) is the most popular new minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins, a minimally invasive procedure that uses catheters, lasers and ultrasound to treat varicose veins.Its advantages: 1. The risk of intravenous laser treatment is small. Less bleeding.2. The efficacy is complete, and the operation is performed under direct vision.3 .The operation is simple, and the treatment time cycle is short.4 .Less severe patients can be performed in the outp

LASER works in ENT Surgery

  Thanks to the constant technological evolution, the   medical laser   who is still the object of ceaseless improvements continuously has been applied in ENT surgery more and more up to now.  Laser benefits in the surgical therapy of otosclerosis are the better control on bleeding and the risk reduction of “floating platina” and acoustic vibratory trauma. These advantages allow it to optimize the functional result and to reduce risks of cochlear damage connected with surgical treatment. The ideal property of tissue interaction of the  laser radiation  in the otosclerosis surgery is the laser’s energy absorption of the platina, that allows the vaporization and avoids the perilymph thermal dispersion. The modality of supply of the pulsate energy enables the tissue cooling between the pauses and reduces the risk of thermal damage of the surrounding structures. And the possibility of using different optical , both in “contact” and “no contact” modality, allows a very effective use in endo

Medica 2021 trade fair for Medical technology

  PIOON Medical Laser sincerely invite you to our booth: 9D43-2

Soft tissue Laser Applications in Pediatrics

  There are many applications for pediatric   soft tissue laser   procedures in   oral surgery , oral pathology,   periodontology   and orthodontics — including frenectomies, frenotomies, operculectomies, gingivectomies, and treatment of aphthous and herpetic lesions. Ankyloglossia of the infant is a common and well-studied condition in which the attachment of the lingual frenum is at the tip of the tongue. This is most common in boys, with a reported incidence of 4% to 5%. Ankyloglossia and restriction of tongue movement can result in poor breastfeeding and maternal nipple pain. Research shows that frenotomy can reduce maternal nipple pain, although the effect on breastfeeding quality has not been consistently proven. Frenotomy involves administering local anesthesia and using two instruments — such as a mosquito or hemostat — in a V shape to protect structures in the sublingual area, including the lingual nerve and Wharton’s duct. A scalpel, laser or electrosurgical knife is used to